After the Winter (met audio)
Springtime has come, the Earth thrives again
(wordt regelmatig aangevuld)
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Springtime has come, the Earth thrives again
It seems so strange, the sun turns red and down it goes
Breathless, helpless
Snow falls outof a deep gray sky
Loch of the Caves
When you left I didn't carewas sick of you, just couldn't bareto stick with you forever, it's the last thing I would do
Like a tameless stampede you crushed our bones and took our hope away
The moon rides high, and shadows hunt the sky
Did you see them marching out?
The life you live
When you're sad, turn off your radio
Stop haunting me
Tell me what did you see when you closed your eyes
Stalking at night, darkness covers his face, hiding the scars
A heart of stone, proud like an eagle