Like a tameless stampede you crushed our bones and took our hope away
Like dogs of war you hunted for us enemies
We were friends but that was yesterday
We drank and laughed as the sun went down
You listened to us fools who broke the rules
But in the middle of the night a voice shouts: "Attack!"
You became his tools
Can't you see we're not enemies
We are brothers, we are family
The square is the place where we all can be free
Can't you understand that we're fighting for heavenly peace
Like a lamb to the slaughter they know that soon the axe is going to fall
They must be brave or mad, 'cause they all know
that we were told to kill them all
They called us freedom fighters as the sun went down
We drank and laughed, they were right those fools
'Cause our leader gives us freedom and we fight for him
We're his tools
Can't you see we must be enemies
We're no brothers, we're no family
The square is the place where we all are free
Can't you understand they say you've broken our heavenly peace
With the power of God he punished them and made the square turn red
The iron fist of totality
cleared the minds of those who did forget
He hated them for they smashed his dreams
and all the things he ever fighted for
And he thought he was right when he spoke these words that bloody night
Can't they see they're not my enemies
I'm their father, we are family
But the square is the place where they all will be free
Make them understand they will soon get their heavenly peace
Uitgevoerd door The Stag
Live uitgezonden op Radio Flevoland 16-03-1990
Drums - Ad Menke
Zang - Ben Vreeburg
Toetsen - Ton Beukelman
Basgitaar - Hans Tienhoven
Gitaar - Rein Menke
Achtergrondzang - Ton, Hans
Tekst en Muziek - Rein Menke
© Rein Menke - Alle rechten voorbehouden
In het intro van deze song hoor je mijn gitaar met een ellenlange reverb waar Whitney Houston jaloers op zou worden. Ik had een hekel aan effectapparatuur en gebruikte hooguit af en toe een echo of chorus, maar hier draagt het wel bij aan de oriëntaalse sfeer.
Let ook eens op het rustige middengedeelte. Dit is nog steeds één van mijn favoriete passages in het repertoire van The Stag. Sluit je ogen en je waant je in de plaatselijke Chinees ...
Leuk weetje:
De idioot die "Attack!" schreeuwt ben ik... 😉
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