Autumn (met audio)

Snow falls outof a deep gray sky

covering their bodies and I wonder why

they'll never wake up in the morning sun

Sitting Bull lies on his worn out back

watching with his dead eyes for another attack

his frozen fingers clinging to his gun


Like the leaves they're falling

in this autumn of the world

Down, down, down they go


Gas flows into a full-up room

killing men and children, it's the ultimate doom

and a cloud of smoke rises in the sky

Millions of people, killed by one word

spoken by Satan in a night black shirt

Still I don't know why they had to die


Like the leaves they're falling

in this autumn of the world

Down, down, down they go


Bright light blanches the sun

it's the angel of death who has just begun

to tell us all about the reason why


Like the leaves we're falling

in this autumn of the world

Down, down, down we go

Uitgevoerd door The Stag

Opgenomen in P.A. Recording Studio 4/5 november 1989

Drums - Ad Menke

Zang - Ben Vreeburg

Keyboards - Ton Beukelman

Basgitaar - Hans Tienhoven

Gitaar - Rein Menke

Achtergrondzang - Ton, Hans, Rein

Tekst en Muziek - Rein Menke

© Rein Menke - Alle rechten voorbehouden


DIt was de song waarmee we met list en bedrog doordrongen tot de halve finale van de Popslag op radio 3.
De nieuwe The Stag zal dit ook spelen.

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